
Airports St. Clair County (IL)

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St. Louis Downtown Airport (Cahokia Heights) [KCPS]

  • Opened in 1965, about 3.5 miles from downtown St Louis, 1000 acres with 300 acres open for development
  • St. Louis Downtown Airport, which is owned and operated by the Bi-State Development Agency, accommodates charter flights – including professional sports teams bound for St. Louis. The airport is also home to the nation’s oldest flight school – St. Louis University’s Park College.

Airport Authority WEB

  • Metro (Bi-State Development Agency), the St. Louis region's transit agency, operates St. Louis Downtown Airport today and cites that it is the 2nd busiest general aviation airport in the St. Louis region, next to Lambert-. (3rd busiest airport in Illinois). The metro-east airport has more than 120,000 planes flying in and out of this airport every year and ranks as the third busiest airport in the state, behind O'Hare International Airport and Chicago Midway Airport. The metro-east airport employs 1,900, and its economic impact on the region is estimated at more than $300 million a year.
  • 3/23 - New $4 million terminal to be built KMOV Link

Saint Louis Downtown Airport Fire Department FB

  • Established Apr 29, 2018; Provides fire suppression, first response emergency medical care, emergency management coordination, airfield operations services, and a very active public life safety education program. The department lives by the motto “Your Safety is OUR Mission.” Our department provides FAA ARFF Index “B” capability with its 2009 Rosenbauer Panther 6X6 ARFF Vehicle that contains 3,000 gallons of water, 400 gallons of foam, 500 pounds of dry chemical, and 460 pounds of Halotron I. The vehicle is 39 feet long and weighs 80,000 pounds.
  • Has 6 Motorola XTS2500 700/800 MHz portable radios that are part of our EOC cache.
  • Personnel are certified as Emergency Medical Technicians, Airport Firefighters, Illinois Advanced Technician Firefighters, and Hazardous Materials Technicians. All officers are certified to a minimum of Illinois Fire Officer II.
  • Emergency Operations Center can handle aircraft traffic accidents and incidents Airport Tour Video

CPS Businesses

  • 20 aeronautical businesses (as of 2022)

Jet Aviation

  • Fixed base operator for the airport (formerly MidCoast)
  • 461.450. 023DPL 466.450 (TX IN) Fueling/ops - might be DMR now, have not verified WQJZ582 [EXPIRED] now WRDM244

Gulfstream Aerospace (Sauget) WEB

  • In 2023, the airport’s largest tenant, Gulfstream Aerospace, plans to expand operations and add 140 new jobs.

Ideal Aviation

Mid America St Louis Airport (BLV)

Airport Terminal Services

  • 4-5wt mobiles 451.5625, 456.5625, 452.6375, 457.6375, 462.5125 (NFM) for Ground Handling Ops WQZV885